As per new policy and guidelines of GOVERNMENT on waste management the citizens in general and establishments in particular are responsible for SORTING and REDUCING Waste generated by them. Plastic waste is one of the key component waste in Public places in urban areas it has got urgent requirement of SORTING and REDUCING (making in to small pieces – Shredding) for making the waste ready for RECYCLE. This will not only reduce hazardous implications of plastic but also creates Value of this shredded Plastic WASTE by sending them for RECYCLE. PET BOTTLES comprise 60-80% of plastic waste generated in public places hence the PET Bottles shredding is need of the hour.

This idea of SHRED to RECYCLE will help in :

Easy to Use PET BOTTLE SHREDDERS – Create Awareness and Good habits in Public about waste sorting and recycling
These Machines can be acquired by Public bodies thru sponsorships (under CSR activity by Corporates / PSUs) as PET BOTTLE SHREDDERS are Public facility for waste management contributing to environment.
As PET BOTTLE SHREDDERS are generally placed in Public places such as Hospitals, Railway stations, Bus Depot, Sports Stadium, Airports, Malls, Pilgrim Centres etc., The Display Area on Machine’s body can be utilised for Commercial advertising to earn Revenue.
SHRED TO RECYCLE is unique technique under waste management to increase the Public participation.
Sorting at source will become the mandatory practice in long run
Creating wealth from WASTE is better possible with PET BOTTLES shredders as PET BOTTLES contain Clear plastic( PET) which advances the Recycling by several steps

PET BOTTLES SHREDDERS from AVANTI are available in two versions:

BS200P – The Public place PET BOTTLE shredder for load of 200-300 bottles per hour comes with Single bottle feeding and all safety features for user safety. It intends to create awareness on SHRED TO RECYCLE along with loads.
BS100P – The small Public place shredder for load of 100-150 bottles per hour comes with Single bottle feeding and all safety features for user safety. It intends to create awareness on SHRED TO RECYCLE along with loads.

There are 2 products